Mail Merge Decimals



I have been searching for a way to solve my decimal problems whe
merging from excel to wordxp in mail merge and I cannot find a definit
way of fixing it. I am using a database which updates daily an
creates a welcome letter. I need to find a way to use the exact dolla
amount from excel without having to transfer the cells to text. I sa
something in regards to changing the data to DDE, but for some reaso
that won't let me merge in the mail merge helper. I get an erro
message. Please advise me

Debra Dalgleish

If you can't connect through DDE, you can format the fields in the Word
document. For example, to specify a number of decimals:

1. In Word, in the Main Document, press Alt+F9 to view the field codes.
2. Find the field code for the number. It will look something like:
{ MERGEFIELD FieldName }
3. Add a switch, to format the number with two decimal places.
For example:
{ MERGEFIELD FieldName \# "#,##0.00" }
4. Press Alt+F9 to hide the field codes.
5. Save the Main Document


I tried what you told me to do below and it worked, but now the proble
is that when I insert the $ sign in the formula and the number is les
than $1000.00, there is a gap of 3 or 4 spaces in between the $ sig
and the number. Any ideas?

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