Mail attachments within Word 2007



I appologize in advance if this is a repeated question, but does anyone know
if you can send from within word 2007 using Vista Windows Mail. I am a home
user and do not have a full version of Outlook installed.

When I try to send in Word the email option is greyed out. The same is true
with the attachment icon.

I've been through the Word options. Any suggestions?


Is there anyway to get Word to recognize Windows Mail as the deafult mail
application or is this just a feature that works exclusively with Outlook?

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP OE/WM

clintondan said:
Is there anyway to get Word to recognize Windows Mail as the deafult mail
application or is this just a feature that works exclusively with Outlook?

Control Panel | Programs
Under Program Defaults click Set default programs.


I have the same issue, have tried setting Windows Mail as my default mail
program, and that doesn't work. The strange part is that in Word, Excel, and
OneNote 2007 the email attachment function does not work. It is simply
grayed out and unavailable. But, if I go to Power Point 2007, I can email a
Power Point presentation as an attachment, PDF or anything else I want
without a problem. What would cause Word, Excel, and OneNote to not be able
to send emails from within the program but would allow Power Point to send




I am having the same problem as Rich--trying to send a document as an email
attachment directly from Word 2007 (without having to save it to disk, go to
Windows Mail and create a new message,etc. as suggested by Steve Cochran in
his post) simply doesn't work as it did in Word 2003 (and all if its
predecessors). I have also set Windows Mail as my default mail program
without any change in how Word works with respect to emailing documents. Is
it because we are using the Home and Student version of Office 2007 (which
doesn't have Outlook)and not the much more expensive Office Standard or
Professional versions (which do)? That is troubling to me....

Any other suggestions on how to work around this flaw in Word would be
greatly appreciated. Thanks...



Ok, I got an answer on the Dell forums from someone having this same issue as
Julie and myself. He gave me this link:

Which looks like it addresses the issue, but you may need to install a 3rd
party email program and not use Windows Mail. I haven't tried it yet because
I'm not at my computer, but I'm going to try the registry edit and if that
doesn't work with Windows Mail I'll try downloading Thunderbird to see if
that works. Here's the short thread on the Dell forums:




The link I gave in the previous post will fix the problem. Option 1 won't
do anything no matter how many times you make it default in either the system
wide options or Internet Explorer with my issue. Option 2 fixed it right
away without even as much as a system restart. I was missing all of the
registry values listed in the KB article, but as soon as I added them the
email option was usable in all of my programs. I hope that this helps.




Thanks for the info in the previous post. I'm not at the computer that was
giving me problems at the moment, but I will give it a try tonight. I was a
little leery of messing around in the registry since I am not that computer
savvy, but if it fixes the problem (and if I am VERY careful!) I am willing
to give it a try.

One question: are the registry values that were missing from the "type" or
"data" columns listed in the Microsoft article? As I was reading the
directions, I got confused by the terms "string value" , "value data", etc.
Maybe once I get in the registry and start following the directions, it will
all become clear to me!

Thanks again for your help!



"Name", "Type", and "Data" are the three categories in the string value.
You'll see as soon as you open it up. All you need to do is put all of those
string values that are listed in the KB article into the folder named
"Windows Messaging Subsystem". Once you type in the "Name", double click on
it and it will allow you to then enter the "Data" information. The "Type"
was set by default for me every time I created a new string value.

Before you do any of that make sure you create a System Restore Point, then
to be extra safe in the File menu of the regedit screen use the Export option
to create a backup of your registry just in case something gets screwed up.

It was easy, but don't do anything you don't feel comfortable with. I'd
hate to see anyone lose the functionality of their entire machine just to get
email in Word :).



Yeah, it worked! Now I feel a little bit bad about thinking that it was all
part of a nefarious plot by Microsoft to make us spend the extra money for
Outlook! Thank you very much for helpful posts---I wouldn't have been brave
enough to try it without the additional information you provided. This is my
first time actually posting anything to a site and it was definitely a good
experience. Thanks again,


Hi there, sorry to sound blonde but with your last coment clintondan, do you
mean i sould save what im wanting to send as an attachment to a disk and then
retrieve the file from the disk to send as my attachment?

Gary VanderMolen

That was Steve's suggestion (save Word document to disk, then attach
the saved document to an email).

Interestingly, I am able to send a Word document from within Word 2007
to the mail recipient, and Windows Mail handles it properly.
From what I understand, in order for this to work, certain MAPI handlers
have to be installed which normally come with Outlook 2007. When
you do a custom install of Office 2007, there should be an option to
install the MAPI handlers.

Gary VanderMolen

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