Made change to database and now cannot save to CD



I used the append query to add records from one database to another, and now
it won't let me save the database to a CD. The file itself looks ok, don't
see anything obviously wrong with it and it saves to the hard drive, just not
to a disc. Probably can't see the problem for looking! Any suggestions would
be gratefully received, thanks :)


The database is currently 72MB. Using CD-Rs rather than CD-ROMs so thought
there wasn't enough as it had already been saved, but have tried a whole
batch of new ones and it's still coming up with the error. It's the usual
'Cannot Complete Writing Wizard' one, and it's the same writing method I
always use. Nothing else has changed. Maybe just a bad batch of CDs? Would
it help if I tried a DVD instead?


Bit of a strange one, this - have ran the disc it was supposed to save to and
it's there, even though the writing wizard said it couldn't. Opened the file
and everything seems to be in order, but will update if necessary. Thanks for
your input :)

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