

Patrik Karlstrom

I have a macro that upgrades a spreadsheet for a new weeks input. All it
actually does it moves down present weeks sales to the past weeks sales and
I have the new week with empty cells. The weeks are in the columns,
Mon-Fri, and the sellers are in the rows. Several cells are Merged and
every day has a separate column for the accumulative sales for that day.
The spreadsheet also has If formulas for every day that prevent the
spreadsheet to count the accumulative for more days than Today's date.
Simple so far. I've used this spreadsheet for a year, but now I get an error
message when I run the macro. It give a number of reasons why the file
couldn't be accessed and the one that blows my mind is: Make sure the file
name does not contain any of the following characters: < > ? [ ] :
Statsgrid, macro.xls. "Statsgrid, macro.xls" is the name of the master file
for this worksheet. ?????

Thank in advance.


Something has changed. Macros don't run for a year then
just start giving error messages. Something has changed to
make the macro give error messages. Is it the same
message(s) all the time or different ones each time.
think. what changes did you make to the file or macro just
prior to the macro start giving the error messages.

Patrik Karlstrom

I know that I have not changed anything in the VBA codes, possibly some
other changes I don't know I've done. When this msg first appeared I simply
recorded a new macro and renamed the file. That worked out fine. One time!
Now I'm getting the same error message as before, but with the new file name
instead. I am getting the same error message all the time.
One time I simply unprotected the sheet after the error msg, right clicked
on the macro button, choose edit the macro, but didn't do anything just
closed the VBA window and run the macro in an unprotected sheet. That
worked, but I found some data had got lost and it was too early to run to
run the macro. I closed the workbook and didn't save. Next time I opened
the workbook I got the same error msg when I run the macro the first time.

This macro exists in 5 workbook and saves me some great amount of time. It
is very important for me. Even if I made a change in one workbook, the next
week I'm opening a new workbook from the template with a fresh macro. What
I don't understand is why I get an error msg about a file that is just
stored together with other masters. That file does have the original code,
but it is not actively used, just stored.


Something has changed. Macros don't run for a year then
just start giving error messages. Something has changed to
make the macro give error messages. Is it the same
message(s) all the time or different ones each time.
think. what changes did you make to the file or macro just
prior to the macro start giving the error messages.
-----Original Message-----
I have a macro that upgrades a spreadsheet for a new weeks input. All it
actually does it moves down present weeks sales to the past weeks sales and
I have the new week with empty cells. The weeks are in the columns,
Mon-Fri, and the sellers are in the rows. Several cells are Merged and
every day has a separate column for the accumulative sales for that day.
The spreadsheet also has If formulas for every day that prevent the
spreadsheet to count the accumulative for more days than Today's date.
Simple so far. I've used this spreadsheet for a year, but now I get an error
message when I run the macro. It give a number of reasons why the file
couldn't be accessed and the one that blows my mind is: Make sure the file
name does not contain any of the following characters: <
? [ ] :
Statsgrid, macro.xls. "Statsgrid, macro.xls" is the name of the master file
for this worksheet. ?????

Thank in advance.


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