Macro Works, Function or Sub with Parameters doesnt. Suggestions Please.


Andy Kveps

I am trying to build a function or Sub that will hide or unhide a
sheet based on the information I pass in, as follows:

Sub HideSheet(SheetName as string)
Worksheet(SheetName).Visible = False
end sub

This executes without error, but does not hide the sheet.
A macro without the parameter passing works fine:

Sub HideSheetOne()
Worksheet("Sheet1").Visible = False
end sub

It is not really practical to write a hide routine for every sheet I
have as a single selection by the user will hide several sheets in a
many Sheet Workbook and a different selection may hide a different
subset of the sheets.

I was hoping to get a function that would be used in a cell like this:

= HideSheetList(C11, "Sheet1, Sheet3, Sheet45, Sheet46")

where C11 would be a user filled out cell (such as true or false, 1 or
0 ...)

A true (or 1) in C11 would hide the list of sheets given.

Doesnt seem like asking for to much...

Does it?

Any suggestions?


Andy Kveps

Robin Clay

Sub HideSheet(SheetName as string)
Worksheet(SheetName).Visible = False
end sub

This executes without error, but does not hide the sheet.
A macro without the parameter passing works fine:

Sub HideSheetOne()
Worksheet("Sheet1").Visible = False
end sub

Just a thought -
I don't think you can hide the ActiveSheet, so if Sheet1
is active when the routine is called, nothing will happen.


RClay AT haswell DOT com


Here is something to get you started. You will note that the line o
code in your Sub HideSheet() is incorrect :-


Sub test()
Dim SheetList As Variant
Dim MySheet As String
MySheet = ActiveSheet.Range("A1").Value
SheetList = Array(MySheet, "Sheet2", "Sheet3")
For s = 0 To 2
HideSheet SheetList(s)
End Sub
Sub HideSheet(SheetName)
Worksheets(SheetName).Visible = False
End Sub

Andy Kveps

It doesnt seem to matter what sheet I try to hide. None of them will
hide (or show) using the function.


Andy Kveps


Thanks for pointing out the error, I was writing out the routine from

It should be:

Sub HideSheet(SheetName as string)
Worksheets(SheetName).Visible = False
End Sub

Your example shows a possible way of hiding a sheet, but still does
not allow flexibility in getting the data into the subroutine. Here
you are still tied to cell "A1" for some type of input.


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