Macro vs Shared Doc



I created an Excel doc that has Macros on it. I just turned on the Track
Changes function (which changes my document to a Shared doc) for the
worksheet and now my Macros don't work.
I did get an error message saying that the Macros on my doc could not be
viewed or Edited while being a shared doc. I don't mind that, but I didn't
expect that my Macros would not function. Now when I run one of the Macros,
it freezes Excel. Any ideas on this?
Thank you,


Macro's and Shared workbooks do not get along. While you can run macros in
shared workbooks they are severly limited in what they can do. This is
because sharing a workbook is essentially a form of protection which limits
functionallity. If you look in help for shared workbooks you will get a list
of all of the functionallity that is disabled in shared workbooks. Macros can
not be asked to preform any of the tasks listed... That is part of the reason
that I never use shared workbooks. IMO they are more trouble than they are


Had same problems with shared workbooks - e.g.

The folowing 2 macros do the same
- delete activecell and move rest of cells in that row to left
- so it's not impossible, but u have to change som code here and there
- what code !!! - im not sure, u have to try it out.

Sub NotOkInShared()
Selection.Delete Shift:=xlToLeft
End Sub

Sub OkInShared()
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Select
Selection.Resize(, Cells(ActiveCell.Row, 255).End(xlToLeft).Column).Cut
ActiveCell.Offset(0, -1).Select
End Sub

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