macro to select data paste/print




Sorry to those who have posted a reply to me before, but now I and my basic
VB programming methods are very confused,

I have a workbook containing several sheets.
Sheet 1 contains rows of data, which are frequently added to. (the first row
of data starts on A8:L8, the next added data would be A9:L9 and so on….)

What I wish to do is have a macro button which will SELECT THE LAST ROW OF
DATA ENTERED ON SHEET 1 and paste this info onto another sheet in the same

This selected pasted data will then be printed off.

After new rows of data have been added to sheet 1, I would want the macro to
select the very last row of data entered again and paste/print etc etc

Can anybody provide the basic VB code for this, as I can’t get it to work
(as easy as it may seem)

Many many thanks


Otto Moehrbach

Let's say sheet "One" is the sheet with the data you want copied. Sheet
"Two" is the sheet to which you want it pasted.
Sub CopyIt()
With Sheets("Two")
Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Resize(,12).Copy .Range("A" &
End With
End Sub

Note that there is a space after the word "Copy". HTH Otto

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