Macro to copy and paste special values



Hi Everybody,

I need a macro to copy values from sheet1 and paste them in the Sheet3
values and formats only. Here I'm giving my specific problem.
From Sheet1 Cells B4,N4,R4,W4,B5,&N5 which are text values to copied
and pasted in sheet3.
Then again from Sheet1 Ranges B24:B1203,c24:c1203,......upto
w24:w1203, except g24:g1203,I24:I1203,L24:L1203 these three ranges
should be excleded from the selection in B to W range, all the cells in
the range are having conditional formulas, if the condition is
satisfied it will return a numeric value if the condition is not
satisfied it will return "FALSE" or #N/A So now I need only the values
to be copied and paste special as values in Sheet3.
If some body can help for this macro it would be of a great help to me.

Thanks and Regards



Range("k1").PasteSpecial Paste:=xlFormats, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:= _
False, Transpose:=False
code ends
in such cases if you create a macro you can modify that macro for vba


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