Macro Question


Julie Tobako

Hi. I have a HUGE document of contacts that needs to be
split up. I'd like to write a macro to go through the
fields and sort the document into 26 separate documents
based on the first letter of the last name. (All 'A' last
names goes into a.doc, etc.)

Thanks in advance.

Julie Tobako
Adminisys Consulting Inc.
(e-mail address removed)

Julie Tobako

Thank you for your help. The documents are around 3,000 -
4,000 pages each and come in formatted like this:

"MRN_" "Patient Name" "Address Line 1" "Address
line 2" "City" "ST" "Zip" "SEX" "D.O.B" "Home
Chart Location" "Appt. Date" "Provider Name"

Each record has tabs between fields and is followed by a
hard return. I need to move each record in full. We're
trying to do a macro to do all of this so we don't need to
scroll through the document and do it manually.


Julie Tobako
Adminisys Consulting Inc.
(e-mail address removed)

Shauna Kelly

Hi Julie

You might also like to consider whether to open your file in Excel, rather than in Word. Excel can import tab-delimited files, and
you can identify whether a field (column) is text, a number, a date etc.

Recent versions of Excel can cope with just over 65,000 rows of information. I suspect that sorting and selecting will be a lot
easier in Excel than in Word for this purpose.

You can always copy and paste from Excel back into Word.

Hope this helps.

Shauna Kelly. Microsoft MVP.
Melbourne, Australia

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