macro pick 100 lines



hi, I have some examples been trying, but cannot get a selection of 100 rows
down, from the current cell, that column only. any help appreciated, thanks.

some stuff trying: (with many variations)

Sub Copy() 'alt-, (comma) wip: copy column 190 rows down from active
cell, pending
'reduce all windows, restore main window, pause conflict with ie, etc.
click button does not work

'Rows(ActiveCell.Row) Offset(0, 180).Select
'.Offset(0, 180).Select

'ActiveWindow.LargeScroll Down:=4

End Sub

Jim Thomlinson

Range(ActiveCell, ActiveCell.Offset(100, 0)).Copy


Range(ActiveCell, ActiveCell.Offset(100, 0)).Select

Dave Peterson

Another one:

Activecell.resize(100,1).copy ...
hi, I have some examples been trying, but cannot get a selection of 100 rows
down, from the current cell, that column only. any help appreciated, thanks.

some stuff trying: (with many variations)

Sub Copy() 'alt-, (comma) wip: copy column 190 rows down from active
cell, pending
'reduce all windows, restore main window, pause conflict with ie, etc.
click button does not work

'Rows(ActiveCell.Row) Offset(0, 180).Select
'.Offset(0, 180).Select

'ActiveWindow.LargeScroll Down:=4

End Sub


hi, thanks for the replies, they work, trying to get the syntax of what's
happening, still studying, but:

hi, the items given worked, am also trying to make a scroll down from any
current position, seems to be much faster than page down:

faster, but only works to one destination, is there a way to modify this to
+100 lines from current cell?
ActiveWindow.ScrollRow = 800

works slow:
Sub Test()
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone,
SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=False
ActiveWindow.LargeScroll Down:=4
End Sub

Left to right quick, set positon, need same for down for any start pos
ActiveWindow.ScrollColumn = 114


yep sure u betchya, hours of attempts, and get a start with item right after
I posted, thanks, got:

ActiveCell.Offset(100, 0).Select

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