Good point!!!
Not bad idea also to use a loop.
Have a look at this post and change the code to your needs:
Just to let you know you can stop a macro from either the worksheet or VBA by
typing CNTR-BREAK. You can have the code continue by going to VBA and typing
F5. Here is the code you are looking for:
Sub ContinueProcessing()
Const Lastrow = 200
Const LastColumn = "D"
Const ColANumber = 1
Dim ColLetter As String
If IsEmpty(Range("E1").Value) Then Cells("E1") = "A1"
LastCell = Range("E1").Value
ColLetter = ""
Do While Not IsNumeric(Left(LastCell, 1))
ColLetter = ColLetter & Left(LastCell, 1)
LastCell = Mid(LastCell, 2)
RowNumber = Val(LastCell)
StartCol = ColLetter
For RowCount = RowNumber To Lastrow
Set ColumnRange = Range(Cells(RowCount, StartCol), _
Cells(RowCount, LastColumn))
For Each cell In ColumnRange
'enter your code here
ColLetter = ConvertColtoLetter(cell.Column)
Range("E1").Value = ColLetter & RowCount
Next cell
StartCol = "A"
Next RowCount
End Sub
Function ConvertColtoLetter _
(ColNumber As Integer) As String
FirstBit = Int(ColNumber / 26)
SecondBit = ColNumber Mod 26
If FirstBit = 0 Then
ConvertColtoLetter = Chr(Asc("A") + SecondBit - 1)
ConvertColtoLetter = _
Chr(Asc("A") + FirstBit - 1)
Chr (Asc("A") + SecondBit - 1)
End If
End Function
saman110 via said:
I have a range of cells like A1
200 I want a macro that copy and paste A1 in
E1 only then you run the macro again and it shows A2 in E1 so on till it
reaches D200 and when i close excel and reopen it it should start from where
it left off. Please Help