Macro dies in the middle of execution




I'm running a macro (code below) that separates information about employees
into different worksheets according to their role on a particular project.
The master sheet has about 4200 rows of information, and there are 15
different roles. My problem is that the macro stops executing at about line
1337 on the master data page. It deletes this row and stops executing.

Is there a maximum run time, or is there something funky in my code? I am
obviously only getting through about a third of my data before this macro
quits and it's pretty frustrating.


Sub Copy_Select()

Application.ScreenUpdating = False

'Copy and Paste rows from Master List according to the ESM category

'Declare Variables

Dim stRole As String
Dim inMasterRow As Integer 'This is the active row on the Master Sheet
Dim inRow As Integer 'This is the variable used to determine the blank row
on the working sheet
Dim BegAddress 'used to deliver beginning cell address to range functions
Dim EndAddress 'used to deliver end cell address to range functions
Dim stType As String 'Used to control the Do-While loop
Dim stBlank As String ' Used to control the do-while loop that determines
blank rows

'Select first row of the Master worksheet

Worksheets("Engineer Roles Table").Select
inMasterRow = 2

stType = Cells(inMasterRow, 1).Value 'Used to initiate the Do-While loop

Do While stType <> ""

Worksheets("Engineer Roles Table").Select
stRole = Cells(inMasterRow, 5).Value
stType = Cells(inMasterRow, 1).Value
BegAddress = Cells(inMasterRow, 1).Address
EndAddress = Cells(inMasterRow, 9).Address

'Copy data (Select row)

Range(BegAddress & ":" & EndAddress).Copy

'Determine which sheet to paste data according to ESM Status (Select Case)
'Select proper worksheet according to status

'MsgBox ESMStatus 'for auditing

If stRole <> "" Then


'Find first empty row on the selected sheet

inRow = 1
stBlank = Cells(inRow, 1).Value

Do While stBlank <> ""
inRow = inRow + 1
stBlank = Cells(inRow, 1).Value

End If

'Paste Data

BegAddress = Cells(inRow, 1).Address
EndAddress = Cells(inRow, 9).Address

Range(BegAddress & ":" & EndAddress).PasteSpecial

'Go to the next row (repeat the ESMStatus Do-While loop until finished)

inMasterRow = inMasterRow + 1


Application.ScreenUpdating = True

End Sub

Doug Glancy


Are either inMasterRow or inRow ever higher than 32,000 or so? If so,
declaring them as longs might solve it.


Doug Glancy


they shouldn't be, but that seemed to do the trick.

I am still getting row 1337 deleted form the master table. Any clue why
this is happening?

George Nicholson

You might consider inserting a trap in your code for row 1337:

If inMasterRow = 1337 then
MsgBox "Trap for row 1337"
End If

When the message box comes up, hit Ctrl+Break>Debug. Then step through your
code and try to identify *where* things go wrong, then *why*.

Remove (or just comment out, you might need it again) the trap when done.


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