I created a status report with the following outcomes in MS Excel:
Stat(Column A3) = 0 Not Started (Blue Color)
Stat = 1 On track (Green Color)
Stat =2 Slightly behind (Yellow color)
Stat = 3 Needs Immediate attention (Red Color)
I used the following equation:
=If (A3=0,"BLUE",IF(A3=<=1,"GREEN",IF(A3<=2,"YELLOW", IF A3>=3,"RED",""))))
This works fine.
However, Instead of having A3 field colored, I want to use picture that has
the color instead. I tried to use a macro to do just that am having problem.
Here is what I want to similar meaning to the below statement in Macro
IF A3>=3,"lightred.gif",""))))
I would appreciate anybody's assistant. Thank you.
Stat(Column A3) = 0 Not Started (Blue Color)
Stat = 1 On track (Green Color)
Stat =2 Slightly behind (Yellow color)
Stat = 3 Needs Immediate attention (Red Color)
I used the following equation:
=If (A3=0,"BLUE",IF(A3=<=1,"GREEN",IF(A3<=2,"YELLOW", IF A3>=3,"RED",""))))
This works fine.
However, Instead of having A3 field colored, I want to use picture that has
the color instead. I tried to use a macro to do just that am having problem.
Here is what I want to similar meaning to the below statement in Macro
IF A3>=3,"lightred.gif",""))))
I would appreciate anybody's assistant. Thank you.