Macro clipboard problem


Al Jager

Someone please,
Why does this macro not work?
Want to display the Clipboard and send workbook to a

Sub Send_to_Client_1()
' Send_Client Macro
' Macro recorded 11/19/2003 by Al Jager
Range("B2").Activate 'B2 contains an email address
' If Application.DisplayClipboardWindow = True Then
' MsgBox "Office Clipboard can be displayed."
' Else
' MsgBox "Office Clipboard cannot be displayed."
' End If

' ActiveCell.DisplayClipboardWindow 'expression


End Sub


Is it because several lines of code are "commented" ?

- ie. they have an apostrophe at the beginning, which tells Excel that
they are not part of the code. Apart from test purposes, this is
generally used to add comments to the code.

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