Macro Buttons



I have 32 worksheets. I have placed the same 14 macro buttons on each
worksheet. My file is over 10 mega bytes. Is that because of all the macro
buttons? How can I reduce the size of the file and still get the

Thank you for any help you can give. I don't want to but will remove the
macro buttons from each worksheet if I have to.

Norman Jones

Hi Chersie,

Without a much more intimate knowledge
of your workbook, it is difficult to be
categoric about the size of your workbook;
at its most benign, the size could simply be
a legitimate reflection of sheer volume of

That said there are various general areas
which may be addressed:

(1) Reduce the size of each of the 32
worksheets to the real data area. In this
connection, see Debra Dalgleish's
suggestions on restiing the Used Range

(2) Consider if 32 sheets really are necessary.
If, as potentially suggested by another
thread, the first sheet represents a master
database and the remaining sheets display
subordinate detail, perhaps you might

- deleting the detail sheets and using
the Excel's AutoFilter, Advanced
Filter or Pivot Table tools to provide
the reuired report information.

If you are not familiar with these tools,
see Debra Dalglesh at:

Excel -- Filters -- AutoFilter Basics

Excel -- Filters -- Advanced Filters -- Introduction

Using Pivot Tables in Excel

(3) If the 14 macro buttoms on each of
the 32 sheets perfom analagous operations,
consider replacing the 32 x 14 buttons with
a customised toolbar with a single set of
buttons, possibly adapting the button code
to operate on any of the sheets of interest.

However, the relevance of the above
suggestions will depend on your data and
your particular requirements; the suggestions
are, therefore, to be regarded as points for

Don Guillett

Also, hard to say without seeing your workbook.(send to my address below if
If you must have 32 sheets why not just use a double_click event to double
click on the cell to do whatever is desired from there.


Hi Norman,

Absolutely perfect suggestion. Cannot believe I didn't think of the toolbar
idea! That will work perfectly. Thank you so much!


I am sending you the file. I hope you can receive it since it is so large.


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