Macro absolute to relative tool bar problem


Stuart Uram

I am trying to make a macro that is relative not absolute. The book says to
click on the tool bar for stop recording, but I cannot find any tool bar -
only a choice to stop recording.

Thanks for your help.

Otto Moehrbach

That little tool bar that you click on to stop recording actually has 2
buttons on it. The button on the right, that doesn't look like a button, is
the relative/absolute button. When you click on it such that it appears to
move into the screen, that is the relative position. Click on it again and
it appears to move out. That is absolute. HTH Otto

Andy Brown

Otto explained that, but just in case your relative/absolute button has gone
AWOL ...

Start recording a macro, the Stop Recording toolbar should show (if not,
View -- Toolbars -- Stop Recording).

Right-click the menu bar, choose Customize. On the Toolbars tab, scroll down
to Stop Recording, highlight it, then click Reset.


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