


I rename lsass.exe to lsass.old, and now i cant find it. Im
using windows xp home is the anyway to repair this? Can i
copy it from another pc and bring it over?


I rename lsass.exe to lsass.old, and now i cant find it. Im
using windows xp home is the anyway to repair this? Can i
copy it from another pc and bring it over?

Checkout a virus repair for this either by looking at one of the many other
reports in this group, or by a google search.

Menno Hershberger

I rename lsass.exe to lsass.old, and now i cant find it. Im
using windows xp home is the anyway to repair this? Can i
copy it from another pc and bring it over?

Sure, that oughta work. It goes in your windows\system32 folder. You
weren't by chance trying to clean up the Sasser worm were you? Maybe your
Saser removal tool detected it and deleted it.


The only problem is now my pc will not boot fully into
windows, it hang at the start-up screen and doesnt go pass
it. It also does the same thing in safe mode?

Rick \Nutcase\ Rogers


First, as you probably now know, the solution to the sasser virus is not
renaming the lsass.exe file. You can rename it back from the Recovery
Console, simply use "ren C:\windows\system32\lsass.old lsass.exe".
Otherwise, expand a new copy from the I386 folder on the WinXP CD to the
system32 folder.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers aka "Nutcase" MS-MVP - Windows
Windows isn't rocket science! That's my other hobby!

Associate Expert - WinXP - Expert Zone

The only problem is now my pc will not boot fully into
windows, it hang at the start-up screen and doesnt go pass
it. It also does the same thing in safe mode?

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