lsass.exe error



I have the latest Windows updates, antivirus updates, firewall, clean temp
directories, spyware cleaner etc.
Today, my XP home system rebooted by itself. After that, rebooting does not
work. lsass.exe fails even in safe mood. Booting the Windows CD works, but
I'm not sure what to recover. I need to copy some data files ASAP if I can't
get it to reboot properly.


Sorry, Don't understand your "sorry" reply. The referred symptoms do not
match. Must be a different problem.


If you have a backup machine, I would slave the hard drive and get the data
off. For whatever reason SP2 is famous for crippling machines without reason
(not saying its bad). Reinstalling the OS is the best way around (Repair and
Backup will not work) I spend weeks on this about a year ago.


Thanks for the reply. So many replies seem to be sent without reading the
whole problem or analyzing it at all. I got my system back by Repair
installing XP. But...., now Norton Antivirus will not reinstall. Symantec is
sending me through hoops with no good result yet. Still no clue about the
original cause.
I started my computer career 41 years ago. After all that time I though we
would have good tools to test, analyze problems and fix them. Alas, we don't
seem to have learned a lot in 40 odd years. Frustrating.
Daven Hanson

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