Sandra Lynch

Please Help me!

I tried to use the Restore function on my HP computer and
somehow crashed the software. I get an LSASS.EXE error
stating the password could not be updated.

I spoke to HP support and they sent me a Recovery Console
CD with a Chkdsk /r routine. I've gone through the routine
and get blocked everytime it comes to the end when it asks
me to enter the Administrator's Password. I've tried every
password I can think of, and none work.

How can I get past this password entry issue? HP support
said there was no other way except to do a complete
reformat and recovery, which will wipe out all my valuable
data. This is not an acceptable solution. Is there another

If I bought a new copy of XP and installed it on the
machine, would this enable me to get at the important data?

Any help will be deeply appreciated. (I'm not a computer
jockey, but I can get some expert help if I need it.)

Many thanks


Roger Abell

If the error message that you get about the LSA not being
able to initialize due to a password issue, then using what
HP sent to you will most likely not help.

However, have you tried using no password ?
You can use a small password zapper to set a known
password on the Administrator (or whatever it may have
been renamed to) account.

When the LSA initialization problem surfaces, which in
my experiences seems to always be in association with
a system crash, there is no way that I have ever heard of
to pull the system out of the problem. XP must be reinstalled.

You do not need to buy a new copy of XP for this purpose.
You could try installing XP insto a separate location and
then log in with the new XP, take ownership of your critical data
files, copy them to some safe location and then finally do a new
fresh install of XP with a reformat.
It would be more simple to hang the hard disk onto a Windows
2000/2003 or XP system that does work, take ownership of the
data and copy it. Then you could replace the hard drive into the
failed machine and rebuild.

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