Low Level Text File Printing



I am using Access 2003, VBA, and am trying to create a comma delimited text

I am having a problem with a CF + LF put at the end of each print command.
Because I have a lot of fields, I need to break each line up into several
PRINT statements. Since Print ends with the CF+LF character , each line is
being broken up into several lines.

Can I prevent Print from appending a CF+LF? Is there another command which
does not append CF+LF?

An example is below. It should be one line, but it is coming out as two.

Mike Thomas

strLine = "The first part of the line -- "
Print #filenumber, strLine

strLine = "the second half of the same line"
Print #filenumber, strLine

Douglas J. Steele

Is there some reason you can't concatenate the string before you write it

I seem to recall that if you put a comma (or is it semi-colon?) at the send
of the Print line, it doesn't put in the Cr/Lf, but I can't guarantee it.


Doug, many thanks. A comma at the end inserts about 5 spaces, a semi colon
inserts none. I used semi colon.

I do not want to concantenate all columns. There are over 100. I would run
into a too many continuations error, or the line would go so far to the
right it would be impossible to read.

Many thanks
Mike Thomas

Douglas J. Steele

strLine = "The first part of the line -- "
strLine = strLine & "the second part of the same line "
strLine = strLine & "the third part of the same line "
strLine = strLine & "the fourth part of the same line "



Do you know how many characters a string can contain?

Mike Thomas

Douglas J. Steele

From the Help file:

There are two kinds of strings: variable-length and fixed-length strings.

· A variable-length string can contain up to approximately 2 billion (2^31)
· A fixed-length string can contain 1 to approximately 64K (2^16)


Many thaks Doug - I think I can get under that limit. I was thinking that
the max number of chars in a string was 1023, which would be a little dicey.

Mike Thomas

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