Lotus to Excel Problem



I am just beginning to use Excel spreadsheets after using Lotus 1-2-
spreadsheets for several years. Whenever I enter a number in a cell
Excel adds a decimal point, even if the number format I use doesn'
include a decimal point. It just doesn't look right to have a
interger number like 5280 displayed as 5380. with the decimal point a
the end. Is this a bug in Excel? How can I fix the problem

Gord Dibben


You may have fallen victim to Tools>Options>Edit>Fixed Decimal Points(uncheck
if checked) but behaviour doesn't sound quite right.

I would next look at my Windows Regional Settings in Control Panel to see
what's up there.

Gord Dibben XL2002

Dave Peterson

And maybe the cell has a custom format of "0." (w/o the quotes).

And I'm betting "5280" showing as "5380." (2 replaced by 3 was a typo in your

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