Lost right click menu...


Zadig Galbaras

To day a friend of mine come to me with a rather peculiar problem .
He have lost all website pictures in IE7.
I suspect him to may be fumbling around in the Internet Options tabs.

But he also have lost the right click menu in IE7.
He's running Win XP, with MSIE7.
All updates running.

Is this a known problem, or can this be a result of the latest Windows
Update foul-up?

F.H. Muffman

Zadig said:
To day a friend of mine come to me with a rather peculiar problem .
He have lost all website pictures in IE7.
I suspect him to may be fumbling around in the Internet Options tabs.

But he also have lost the right click menu in IE7.
He's running Win XP, with MSIE7.
All updates running.

Is this a known problem, or can this be a result of the latest Windows
Update foul-up?

Errrr... and this is related to Outlook in that... ?

Peter Foldes

This newsgroup is for Outlook which is a part of MS Office. Please repost this to the IE7 newsgroup where all the experts for IE issues are


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