Lost Pictures

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I was downloading pics from my Kodak camera, and when I came back to computer
it had shut down and was rebooting. I used the command "Move Pictures". I
now have only one pic left on camera and cannot find the pictures that were
downloading when my computer shut down, they did not go in the file I had
them destined to. Can someone please help me locate these very important
pics. Heartbroken and frustrated.
Army said:
I was downloading pics from my Kodak camera, and when I came back to computer
it had shut down and was rebooting. I used the command "Move Pictures". I
now have only one pic left on camera and cannot find the pictures that were
downloading when my computer shut down, they did not go in the file I had
them destined to. Can someone please help me locate these very important
pics. Heartbroken and frustrated.

Were the picture files being moved directly from the memory
card in the camera to the hard disk? It should have been a
straight-forward copy job. OTOH, if a software application,
such as one supplied by Kodak, was being used to do the move,
then take a look in the \temp folder. Also, do a search of the
computer for all files using the file extension for the picture
files, e.g., *.jpg, *.tif, etc. If non-existent, then the files
have vaporized into the ether. Next time, copy the files to the
computer and then delete from the camera's memory card.
Army said:
I was downloading pics from my Kodak camera, and when I came back to
computer it had shut down and was rebooting. I used the command
"Move Pictures". I now have only one pic left on camera and cannot
find the pictures that were downloading when my computer shut down,
they did not go in the file I had them destined to. Can someone
please help me locate these very important pics. Heartbroken and

Well that will teach you to copy not move photos. That way, if and when
something does go wrong, they are still on your camera.

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But he didn't copy. He chose move instead. A very bad choice, in that if
there is a screw up everything can be lost. If you are copying and there is
a problem, you just copy them again. When the copy is complete, and
verified, delete the source files.


Richard Urban
Microsoft MVP Windows Shell/User

Quote from: George Ankner
"If you knew as much as you thought you know,
You would realize that you don't know what you thought you knew!"
Richard Urban said:
But he didn't copy. He chose move instead. A very bad choice,
in that
if there is a screw up everything can be lost. If you are
copying and
there is a problem, you just copy them again. When the copy is
complete, and verified, delete the source files.

Deleted files on the camera's media can be undeleted just like
deleted files on a hard drive. If the media haven't been reused,
the pictures should be easily recoverable. Any of the common
undelete utilities should work. I've personally used
(http://www3.telus.net/mikebike/RESTORATION.html ) to do this.
Nice to know Ken. I haven't had the opportunity to try this yet. I guess my
EasyRecovery Professional should work just as well.


Richard Urban
Microsoft MVP Windows Shell/User

Quote from: George Ankner
"If you knew as much as you thought you know,
You would realize that you don't know what you thought you knew!"
Richard Urban said:
Nice to know Ken. I haven't had the opportunity to try this
yet. I
guess my EasyRecovery Professional should work just as well.

I'm not familiar with that particular program, but I don't see
any reason why it wouldn't.

I learned about this this past May, when came back from vacation.
Each day I had taken digital pictures, and at the end of each day
I had downloaded them to my laptop's hard drive, and freed up the
media cards for more pictures. Right at the end of the vacation,
the laptop's hard drive failed and I lost about 1300 pictures.
Fortunately I was able to undelete some of the lost pictures from
the media, and I had made a CD of some of the others, but many
are irretrievably gone. I could have tried a professional drive
recovery service, but I wasn't willing to spend that much money.

I'm not familiar with that particular program, but I don't see
any reason why it wouldn't.

I learned about this this past May, when came back from vacation.
Each day I had taken digital pictures, and at the end of each day
I had downloaded them to my laptop's hard drive, and freed up the
media cards for more pictures. Right at the end of the vacation,
the laptop's hard drive failed and I lost about 1300 pictures.
Fortunately I was able to undelete some of the lost pictures from
the media, and I had made a CD of some of the others, but many
are irretrievably gone. I could have tried a professional drive
recovery service, but I wasn't willing to spend that much money.

1300 Pictures Ken?

Jeeze I take photos of boats for a living, I don't take 1300 in a
year. How many cameras a year do you get through? Bet you don't use


When I was into photography I bought Kodachrome by the case. I shot 6-7
rolls of 36 frames per day - as an advanced hobbyist. I threw out 5 out of
every 10 frames as being inferior. I was my own worst critic!


Richard Urban
Microsoft MVP Windows Shell/User

Quote from: George Ankner
"If you knew as much as you thought you know,
You would realize that you don't know what you thought you knew!"
When I was covering the Canadian Grand Prix F1 in 1999 on race day I shot 56 rolls of Ekta 36 with 3 motorized cameras


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jonah said:
1300 Pictures Ken?

Jeeze I take photos of boats for a living, I don't take 1300 in
year. How many cameras a year do you get through? Bet you don't

I was on vacation for three weeks, in a part of the world I'd
never been in before. 1300 pictures is an average of about 60 a
day. I don't think that's at all an enormous number.

To me, one of the biggest advantages of a digital camera is that
you don't have to refrain from taking more pictures because it
costs more to do so. I don't have to worry about wasting film or
processing charges. I'll often take the same picture multiple
times, zooming differently, aiming differently, changing the spot
from which I take it, etc. When I get home, I go through them
and discard those that aren't as good as the others.
In jonah <[email protected]> typed:

I was on vacation for three weeks, in a part of the world I'd
never been in before. 1300 pictures is an average of about 60 a
day. I don't think that's at all an enormous number.

To me, one of the biggest advantages of a digital camera is that
you don't have to refrain from taking more pictures because it
costs more to do so. I don't have to worry about wasting film or
processing charges. I'll often take the same picture multiple
times, zooming differently, aiming differently, changing the spot
from which I take it, etc. When I get home, I go through them
and discard those that aren't as good as the others.

Just kidding Ken 8-)

I am off to France for a week tomorrow, I bet I don't take a single
photo unless I see a nice example of an ACM 31 MkII which I need for a
brokerage photo, in which case I will take precisely 1 photo.

I carry a pretty good Canon around constantly but I hardly ever use it
ecxept for boats when somebody is paying me.

I will play with motorbikes and computers for days on end but cameras
- never really got them.

Almost everyone learns that painful lesson. I always copy, then when sure the copy is OK,
delete the original. It is as common as not saving something one is working on every ten
minutes or so, and losing an hour's worth of work.

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