Lost network-- help



All of a sudden I am having some network problems.

I have a Dell Dim 2400 desktop in the basement. Cable modem. Linksys 54g

I have a Dell Inspiron 2200 with the 1307 wireless card.

Now, the router must be working fine as I have no problems with internet
connections, email, etc. using the laptop and/or desktop.

But I also have shared folders. I have not had any problems going back and
forth until recently. Now it can't seem to recognize the network path. This
has occurred after 2 recent power outages and also after I added a 256 MB
memory to my desktop. I don't think either of those have anything to do with

I'm just not sure how to proceed/what to try/test.

Suggestions please.



Some more information:

It must have to do with my Zone Alarm setting on the desktop.

When I remove ZA, the 2 computers communicate.

But I really don't recall what I did originally to set ZA to allow this.

Can someone tell me how to once again configure ZA on my desktop to allow



All of a sudden I am having some network problems.

I have a Dell Dim 2400 desktop in the basement. Cable modem. Linksys 54g

I have a Dell Inspiron 2200 with the 1307 wireless card.

Now, the router must be working fine as I have no problems with internet
connections, email, etc. using the laptop and/or desktop.

But I also have shared folders. I have not had any problems going back and
forth until recently. Now it can't seem to recognize the network path. This
has occurred after 2 recent power outages and also after I added a 256 MB
memory to my desktop. I don't think either of those have anything to do with

I'm just not sure how to proceed/what to try/test.

Suggestions please.



One of the most common causes of this problem, since your physical network is
OK, would be a misconfigured or overlooked personal firewall, or other security
component. There are several other possibilities too, and any might be the cause
of your problem. Read this article with an open mind.

For more direct help, provide "browstat status" and "ipconfig /all" from each
computer, so we can diagnose the problem. Read this article, and linked
articles, and follow instructions precisely (download browstat!):


Some more information:

It must have to do with my Zone Alarm setting on the desktop.

When I remove ZA, the 2 computers communicate.

But I really don't recall what I did originally to set ZA to allow this.

Can someone tell me how to once again configure ZA on my desktop to allow



If Zone Alarm is involved, and with ZA Free, you have only one setting. On each
computer, you have to identify the IP address of the other computer, as a
Trusted Address. Or identify the subnet, as a Trusted Zone.

With ZA Pro, you also have to identify the Trust Level, and here you have to
explicitly say to allow file sharing in the Trusted Zone.



I may have solved the problem, but it is very strange.

Look at the setting for ZA on both my laptop and desktop.

On the Firewall/Main setting it lists my MY NETWORK and Loopbacl Adapter as
being in the Trusted Zone. But the first item listed
(Broadcom.....Integrated Controller Packet Scheduler Miniport on my Desktop
is listed in the Internet Zone). The first item on my laptop, the Dell
Wireless Card... is also listed in the Internet Zone.

I changed both to Trusted Zone and now it works.

First, does this now sound like the right setting??

Second, if so, I have no ideas what could have changed the settings on both
my computers!!!




I may have solved the problem, but it is very strange.

Look at the setting for ZA on both my laptop and desktop.

On the Firewall/Main setting it lists my MY NETWORK and Loopbacl Adapter as
being in the Trusted Zone. But the first item listed
(Broadcom.....Integrated Controller Packet Scheduler Miniport on my Desktop
is listed in the Internet Zone). The first item on my laptop, the Dell
Wireless Card... is also listed in the Internet Zone.

I changed both to Trusted Zone and now it works.

First, does this now sound like the right setting??

Second, if so, I have no ideas what could have changed the settings on both
my computers!!!



That's the one. I'm not sure what a "Packet Scheduler Miniport" is (I'm
familiar with a "MAC Bridge Miniport"), but if it connects to a LAN on a NAT
router, it should be safe in the Trusted Zone.

Just watch and see if it changes again.

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