lost formats



Occasionally when pasting between two 2007 spreadsheets, I will lose all the
formating on the spreadsheet I am pasting to. Is there a way to recover the
formats that are lost? (in this case, both files are open in the same Excel
2007 window)
Thank you


If you want to preserve the formatting then right-click and choose Paste
Special then choose Values...(or Formulas if you also want to copy formulas)


It doesn't give you the option to save special. Just as as an object or
picture or bitmap.


That means that you have two separate instances of Excel... that is why you
get this problem only 'sometimes'...

One way to fix the problem is -
Close Excel first and On the Windows Taskbar

1) Start->Run-> excel.exe /unregserver ->OK.
2) Start->Run-> excel.exe /regserver ->OK.

See the space between exe and /regserver

You might have to designate a full path to excel.exe (most likely C:\Program
Files\Microsoft Office\Office12)

In that case Start->Run-> "C:\Program Files\Microsoft
Office\Office12\excel.exe" /regserver -> OK

Note that quotes are required because of spaces in the path

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