Lost File during upgrade



I had Win 98SE. I installed XP home edition over it. The one file that I lost that is important to me were pictures of my son and me in the Grand Canyon(my only copies) They were stored in MY Briefcase on the desktop. When xp was up and running My Briefcase was lost. Where do I find it now. Please email me with valid answers as I am almost puter illiterate and will have a hard time finding this page again. Thank you.


If you remember the filenames you might do a search on the files. If you only remember part of the filenames, say the extension 'jpg', you might do a file search by putting *.jpg in the search window.


I have tried jpeg, file names, bitmaps etc. I have also looked for other files that were in the "My Briefcase" to no avail. The entire thing is lost. The briefcase and all files contained within. Any other ideas? Will try almost anything at this point. Am about to reformat that HD soon because of probs with the OS and know for certain all that is missing now will be lost permantly then.



I have tried jpeg, file names, bitmaps etc. I have also looked for other files that were in the "My Briefcase" to no avail. The entire thing is lost. The briefcase and all files contained within. Any other ideas? Will try almost anything at this point. Am about to reformat that HD soon because of probs with the OS and know for certain all that is missing now will be lost permantly then.

Try a third-party recovery utility:

This one is free

Good luck


Tried the restoration recommended. Still no luck. Has anyone else ever experienced this. Where does My Briefcase go during the upgrade? I just cant imagine it was written over to the point the restoration cant even find it. Anyone, anything?

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