Lost file after application hang PLEASE HELP



I lost something I was working on after I tried to open another file with the
same program. I was working on genetics report calculation in microsoft
excel- I have been for a while now, but last night I made alot of progress on
it. I saved in numerous times last night (I either saved it with the same
file name that I already had it as on my computer, or I saved it with the
usual attach (1) at the end. I left it minimized on my computer overnight and
today I maximized it and my work was still there- everything was fine. Then,
I tried to open a link that would take me to anotherexcel spreadsheet. My
computer got stuck loading the file. I tried to shut it down but couldnt, so
I tried to shut it with task manager. On the task manager it showed three
different excel files or programs that were not responding. I tried to shut
down all of them, because I knew that I saved the file I had been working on.
However, the task manager wasnt shut them- it would ask me if I wanted to
quit them- i would say yes- then the window would pop up asking if i wanted
to send notification of the error- I would push yes or no and still nothing
closed. So then I held the power button on the computer until it finally
shut down (I have down this before when things like this happen. When I
restarted the computer I couldnt find the file anywhere. I did a search and I
could see the shortcut for it but it wouldnt open anything - it would ask if
I wanted to fix the shortcut to another file that was similar. I said yes and
it took me to the old version I have been working on before all of the
progress I made last night. I guess I somehow corrupted the file. I feel like
I read all the treads and i couldnt find anything truly related to my
problem. PLEASE HELP. Sorry this is so long but I tried alot to fix the
problem myself- which now know from reading these thread that, that was a bad


You should know better not to trust Excel.
It keeps all file contents in memory, and if something
happens then it looses everything.
Try search for *.xls

Charlie Tame

Would *.xl? be better Ted? Does it not save some temp backups at fixed
intervals? I can't remember offhand.



I tried both of them- *.xl and *.xls . I searched all files and folders on
the local drive and the hard drive, but I couldnt find my file. Any other



EASEUS DataRecoveryWizard utility can help. Speaking about me, it was
easily able to restore deleted, lost file and unformat drive,
so I think you will also find it quite useful. Really recommended
tool, give it a try.


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