Lost all my menu bars and tool bars



I used a program to create a new menu bar, and now i have lost my main
menubar whenever I open Excel. Can anyone please help? I have tried
Alt +F and Alt+V, and held down Shift and Ctrl when opening Excel. The
latter opened in Safe Mode, but when restarted, Excel main menu bar was
still missing.

All suggestions very much appreciated :eek:

Many thanks,


Try Excel Menu - View - toolbars - customize - hit the reset button.

Hope that helps.


I am sorry, but I can't do that as my main menu bar is missing too.
have no File/Edit/View/Tools menu


Dave Peterson

You could try this:

Hit alt-f11 to get to the VBE (where macros live)
hit ctrl-g to get to the immediate window

type this and hit enter:
application.CommandBars("worksheet menu bar").Enabled = true

Then that toolbar will be visible.

Another option that will destroy all your customized changes on all toolbars:

close excel
use windows start button|search
to find *.xlb (where excel stores toolbars)
rename them all to *.xlbOLD

Then open excel.

If it's ok, you can delete all the *.xlbOLD. If you don't like what it did,
just rename the *.xlbOLD back to *.xlb.

(You will have to customize your toolbars if you do use this option, though.
After you customize the toolbar, store a backup version of that *.xlb and then
you can just copy that file back if something bad happens again.)

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