Losing Tray Icons



Very often when attempting to open or access any givin folder , wrather from
desktop or start menu , immediately the desktops diappear the screen color
background stays {doed not go to black or show any malfunction} and after a
few seconds pass , the desktops reappear in same locale .. the folder
attempted does not open ... bit will open when attempted to even after this
malfunction , {plus} the strange thing is " I lose 3 system tray icons of the
following : Anti-Virus , Spyware removal , ISP . " The pc is running just
fine in the mean time , browsing , opening any givin folder , searching , The
Anti virus and spyware removal programs remain enabled but access only
through another access point such as start menu . Start menu icons are not
affected ..the system seems to be okay during this glitch. I run scans , disc
clean up , remove cookies etc. . I do not download from websites , I have
great E-Mail protection via Earthlink.net .To retreive the task bar icons ..
restart is a must . After doing this , system is normal . Please help .
Thank You

Bob I

Explorer (the desktop) is restarting, and those "icon" are not being
refreshed by the program. The programs are still running, the icon is
just not being displayed any longer. If you log off and, back on the
Icons will show again, or you may verify the program is still running in
Taskmanager for peace of mind. As to why explorer is restarting, there
has been "issues" for some folks since SP2. But you may want to ask
about that in another thread.


Installer said:
Very often when attempting to open or access any givin folder , wrather from
desktop or start menu , immediately the desktops diappear the screen color
background stays {doed not go to black or show any malfunction} and after a
few seconds pass , the desktops reappear in same locale .. the folder
attempted does not open ... bit will open when attempted to even after this
malfunction , {plus} the strange thing is " I lose 3 system tray icons of the
following : Anti-Virus , Spyware removal , ISP . " The pc is running just
fine in the mean time , browsing , opening any givin folder , searching , The
Anti virus and spyware removal programs remain enabled but access only
through another access point such as start menu . Start menu icons are not
affected ..the system seems to be okay during this glitch. I run scans , disc
clean up , remove cookies etc. . I do not download from websites , I have
great E-Mail protection via Earthlink.net .To retreive the task bar icons ..
restart is a must . After doing this , system is normal . Please help .
Thank You


I have a similar problem. Sorry to answer with another question, but I have
nowhere else to go.

I use desktp icons vwry often. I have almost 100 right now, and that's the
way my life is organized; plenty of options. Anyway, every so often, Windows
XP will delete a few, ostensibly because they have not been used recently (as
are spare tires, fire alarms and flotation devices!).

I resent that action, since if I did not want them, I would not have placed
them there, and if I no longer need them, I delete them. Just today, I lost
the "my ocmputer" icon and another I can't recall. Lord knows how many others
re now gone. I don't discover these thieveries until I need them next and
cannot find them. Computers and software should save work, not make work!

So what I need is a way to defeat this search and destroy mentality of the
XP desktop Icon police. Please someone send me an email
([email protected]) and describe the method of stopping this XP
methodology. Thank you.


Hi Ang.C.
right click desktop , click properties , click desktop ,click customize
desktop , on desktop cleanup , uncheck it .

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