Losing data during transfer



Good morning,

I am really hoping this is going to be my last question on lisboxes.
Anyway, I am trying to transfer data from a listbox to a spreadsheet.
Unfortunately the first entry in the listbox always gets dropped an
the specified cell is blank. (Unless I force the cycle to go one les
than the number of options in the listbox. If I do this, then th
remaining item in the listbox shows up as the selection in the firs
cell.) Anyway, here is my code. Any ideas on what I am doing wron
here. Been trying to figure this out since yesterday afternoon and
am guessing it is something simple...

Private Sub CommandButton5_Click()

Dim number As Integer
Dim xcount As Integer

number = 0
xcount = ListBox2.ListCount

ListBox2.ListIndex = 0

Do While xcount > 1

If ListBox2.Selected(i) = True Then
Worksheets("HistoricalFS").Cells(11 + number, 2)
ListBox2.RemoveItem (i)

End If
number = number + 1
xcount = xcount - 1


End Su


Your loop executes "While xcount >1" - so it does not execute when xcount is
equal to 1. I think you really meant "While xcount >=1" (or, equivalently,
"While xcount >0)


Sorry K. Dales, just before I had posted the code I had tried to running
it less one loop to see what was happening. I had originally set the
code with While xcount > 0. I have also tried For-Next, offset, etc.
None of these solve the problem.

A weird thing that I have noticed is that it is always B11 that is left
blank. If I change the code to:

Worksheets("HistoricalFS").Cells(10 + number, 2) = ListBox2.List(i)

Whatever was supposed to be placed in B11 ends up being blank. I just
can't figure out what is going on. Any ideas on how to fix the code or
a better way to get the information from the listbox into the specified
worksheet cells is really appreciated!


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