Looping with Hidden and Protected Sheets/Ranges



I know I can hide sheets in excel. When I am looping through sheets using a
For Next loop in VBA (using Sheets collection) will I ever run into issues
with sheets that are hidden and or protected? That is, could I ever be in a
situation where my For Next loop would fail due to hidden/protected sheets?

I guess the same question extends to cell ranges. If I am looping through
sheets and then cell ranges (For Each cell in .UsedRange) and lets say I am
assessing formulas/data/text, will hidden row/columns and or protected cells
cause errors in these sub loops?



There is not a problem with the loops themselves. Just keep in mind that
there are certain things you can not do with hidden or protected sheets. For
example you can not select a hidden sheet so the following code may not

dim wks as worksheet
for each wks in worksheets
wks.select ' will fail on hidden sheets
next wks

Tom Ogilvy

You can't select a hidden sheet. But if you don't try to select or
activate, then hidden sheets shouldn't interfere with the loop structure

Looping through cells shouldn't be affected by whether they are in a hidden
row or column. Actions you may perform on those cells or with those cells
may have problems, but the best would just be to test the code.

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