Loop depending on value problem


rob nobel

I need to lock columns C:D depending on whether Col M has a value in it.
The following is my attempt, but it's lacking somewhat.
I believe what I have will only work if the cells in col M should show true
or false but the cells in Col M have a $ value or nil value.

Public Sub LockIncomeCells()
On Error GoTo Oops
Dim Cell As Range
For Each Cell In Sheet6.Range("M5:M29")
With Cell
.Offset(0, -10).Resize(1, 2).Locked = .Value 'LOCK name &
End With
Next Cell
End Sub

Furthermore, as an alternative, is it possible to lock all cells (on
sheet6), in a range C5:L29, that are a particular colour (Red)?

Thank You,

Frank Kabel

try (not tested)

Public Sub LockIncomeCells()
On Error GoTo Oops
Dim Cell As Range
For Each Cell In Sheet6.Range("M5:M29")
With Cell
If .value <>"" then
.Offset(0, -10).Resize(1, 2).Locked = TRUE
end if
Next Cell
End Sub

rob nobel

Thankyou very much Frank.
Just had to add an End With to the procedure and change value <>"" to value
<> 0, and it worked great.

Can you or someone help me with the second question, which is...
Furthermore, as an alternative, is it possible to lock all cells (on
sheet6), in a range C5:L29, that are a particular colour (Red)?


Frank Kabel

Hi Rob
sorry, I deleted your 'end with'. For your second question - I didn't
noticed as it was at the end of your posting :) - try the following

Public Sub LockIncomeCells()
On Error GoTo Oops
Dim Cell As Range
For Each Cell In Sheet6.Range("M5:M29")
With Cell
If .value <>0 then
.Offset(0, -10).Resize(1, 2).Locked = TRUE
end if
end with
Next Cell

For Each Cell In Sheet6.Range("C5:L29")
With Cell
'If .font.colorindex = 3 -> for the font color
If .Interior.colorindex = 3 '-> the fill
color/change the value as desired
.Locked = TRUE
end if
end with
Next Cell

End Sub

rob nobel

Hi Frank. Thanks again. I'm having some problems with the colour part as
I'm not quite sure how it works so not sure how to amend it.
I presume the If .font.colorindex = 3 is the condition, so if the font in
that cell is = 3 then that cell will be locked.
Do you have a list of what numbers belong to what colours? Or is there an
easy way to find the colorindex?

rob nobel

Back again.
Frank, your procedure works fine. It seems that the problem is that if the
font colour is as a result of conditional formatting, then it doesn't work.
Any way round this?

Frank Kabel

yes if the color is created by conditionla format this won't work.
Excel treats this kind of color differently (the colorindex property
remains unchanged).
AFAIK beside checking the original conditions by yourself there is no
way to get this conditional format color

rob nobel

Thanks Dave, just having a quick look at the code on that page.....blimey!
I might try something else like format them via VBA instead of conditional.

Dave Peterson

A very wise choice. <vbg>

rob said:
Thanks Dave, just having a quick look at the code on that page.....blimey!
I might try something else like format them via VBA instead of conditional.

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