Lookup using multiple sheets and multiple criteria, sorry if 2 pos



I need to look up and populate sheet one with matching criteria on sheet 2. I
need two separate formulas to do the following:
Formula 1:
If Column B on “Data†Sheet is Greater than Cell C3 on Summary Sheet AND
Column C on “Data†Sheet indicates “TRUEâ€, I need the “Name†(from column A)
and “Percent†(from column B) on “Data†Sheet to populate in the “Nameâ€
(column B) and “Percent†(column C) on the “summary Sheetâ€. For example,
according to the data below, only Jen, Rob, Tony, John, and Jules, along with
their corresponding percentage will show up in columns B and C on the

Formula 2:
If Column F on the “Data†sheet is equal to or greater than 1000, AND
Column “G†on the “Data†Sheet is less than Cell F3 on the “Summary†Sheet, I
need the I need the “Name†(from column A) and “Percent†(from column F) on
“Data†Sheet to populate in the “Name†(column E) and “Percent†(column F) on
the “Summary†Sheet. For example, according to the data below only Tony,
John, and Jules along with their corresponding percentage will show up in
columns E and F on the “Summary†Sheet.

As always, thank you to everyone in advance for your help!

Sheet 1 (Called “Summaryâ€)

2 Name Percent Name Percent
3 1.87 115.47

Sheet 2 (Called “Dataâ€)

6 Name Percent Total Percent
7 Jen 2.15 True 2646 117.6
8 Rob 1.99 True 172 142.2
9 Tony 2.52 True 3984 109.9
10 Roe 0.99 False 3599 118.98
11 John 1.94 True 4325 108.13
12 Phil 0.49 False 470 104.44
13 Kurt 1.25 False 931 103.44
14 Vic 4.31 False 0 0
16 Jules 5.45 True 1190 91.54


Here's one play which delivers on both of your 2 orders ..
(kindly refrain from multi-posting. just post in one newsgroup will do.)

In Summary,
It's presumed that cols A and D are blank to begin with

Put in A4:
(Leave A1:A3 blank) This is the 1st criteria col

Put in B4:
Copy B4 to C4

Put in D4:
(Leave D1:D3 blank) This is the 2nd criteria col

Put in E4:
Copy E4 to F4

Then just select A4:F4 and copy down to cover the max expected extent of
source data in "Data", eg copy down to say, F100. You'd get the results
appearing in cols B, C and in cols E, F exactly as required, with all result
lines neatly bunched at the top. Hide away cols A and D, if desired.



Thanks so much for your help Max. I was a little confused with your answer,
but the link to your example did the trick. THis worked like a charm. I
apologize for posting twice. I didn't know if it went through or not. I tried
to put that in my post topic, but I ran out of letters. "Re: Lookup using
multiple sheets and multiple criteria, sorry if 2". Thanks again!!!

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