lookup table with specific criterea



The following is an example of a spreadsheet with 3 columns.

Col 1 Col 2 Col 3
ABC .50 03/07/06
DEF .25 03/07/06
GHI .65 03/07/06
JKL .35 03/07/06
ABC .90 03/14/06
DEF 2.99 03/14/06
JKL 4.15 03/14/06

Here is another spreadsheet.

Col 1 Col 2
ABC .90
DEF 2.99
GHI n/a
JKL 4.15

How can I create a formula the bring in col 2 automatically from my first
spreadsheet based on the most current date from col 3 of my first spreadsheet?


Try this in B14.


Where A14:A17 is your lookup values (ABC, DEF etc...). This wil
return N/A if there is no data for the most recent date for the looku
value. In your example it was GHI. This will work from one sheet t




SteveG - you are awesome. This is exactly what I was looking for exept for
one more thing I just thought of. If my col 3 has a future date, how do I
change my formula to grap the latest date but not to exceed the current date?
Example: if I had another row showing "ABC" in Col 1, "5.55" in Col 2 and
"03/21/06" in Col 3, I would compare today's date to col 3 and not grab this
row. Are you with me?


Thanks for the positive feedback.

This array formula should do it for you.


When you are done typing the formula, commit with Ctrl-Shift-Ente
simultaneously rather than just Enter. That will put curly brackets {
around the formula so it appears like this afterwards.


Don't enter those yourself. This will pull in the data if the mos
recent date is today but not greater than today. If you want less tha
today just remove the "=" from the MAX(IF formulas.



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