Lookup Query in Excel




I am trying to return the column heading name for a formulated set of
results. How do I do this? I have tried HLOOKUP but this only works
when the column heading is pasted directly below the cells I am looking
up. I have many rows and this results in an error message when I try to
use it

My dataset contains the following:

"Product name" in the left most column, with the column headings going
across the page for each sales competitor. I have used a MIN function
to extract the lowest competitor price (to exclude Zero for other
products). This is returned in the right most column. Using this
formulated result (in the lowest price column, I now need to derive who
the competitor is for that particular returned value (e.g. X,Y or Z.
Can anyone help with this? It would be greatly appreciated

Product name comp X comp Y comp Z Lowest price Lowest Comp
abcde 100.0 101.00 102.00 100




If your titles are in row 1 and your first =MIN() is in E2 then put this
in F2:



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