Lookup Q



How can I achieve the following:-

I wish to see if a value in a column is within another column but only
if the value in a 2nd column is greater than Zero, if it is there and
greater than Zero return "Issue", otherwise ""

The value I wish to look for is in Col A Sheet1
The target 1st Column is Col A Sheet2
The target 2nd Column is Col S Sheet2

I wish to display the Result in Col C Sheet1



How can I achieve the following:-

I wish to see if a value in a column is within another column but only
if the value in a 2nd column is greater than Zero, if it is there and
greater than Zero return "Issue", otherwise ""

The value I wish to look for is in Col A Sheet1
The target 1st Column is Col A Sheet2
The target 2nd Column is Col S Sheet2

I wish to display the Result in Col C Sheet1


if(iserror(vlookup("lookup_value",range, 2,0)),"value not
there",if(vlookup("lookup_value",range, 2,0)>0,"Issue",""))



How does the segment below apply the 1st & 2nd Column range?

The value I wish to look for is in Col A Sheet1 = "Lookup_value"
The target 1st Column is Col A Sheet2 = "Range"
The target 2nd Column is Col S Sheet2 = ?

if(vlookup("lookup_value",range, 2,0)>0,"Issue",""))



How does the segment below apply the 1st & 2nd Column range?

The value I wish to look for is in Col A Sheet1 = "Lookup_value"
The target 1st Column is Col A Sheet2 = "Range"
The target 2nd Column is Col S Sheet2 = ?

if(vlookup("lookup_value",range, 2,0)>0,"Issue",""))

The target 2nd Column is Col S Sheet2 = "2"

Ur vlookup will be sth like

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