Lookup, Match, something like this



I have a list of values in 3 columns (on Sheet), Revenue, Cost and
Profit each Relates to a Location

Locations are in ColA7:A75
Revenues are in ColC7:C75
Costs are in ColD7:D75
Profits are in ColE7:E75

What I wish to achieve is that when a user Selects a location (on
Sheet2), the appropriate values for Revenue, Cost and Profit relating
to the location selected will appear on Sheet2 in ColC, D and E

THanks for any help

T. Valko

How does a user select a location? A drop down list/combo box?

I'm assuming all locations are unique?

You should be able to do this using a simple Sumif:


Where A1 = user selected location

Copy across a total of 3 cells.



Thanks, yes I've setup a drop down (so that there is no typo) , and all
locations are unique

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