Lookup; Grading a class



I am a teacher new to microsoft excel and i am grading a class
here are the marks
0-19 will equal 9
20-35 will equal 8
36-45 will equal 7
46-52 will equal 6
53-58 will equal 5
56-75 will equal 4
76-84 will equal 3
85-100 will equal 1
what do i type

I need this reply urgent
Thank you

Frank Kabel

try the following:
1. in column A put the lower boundary of your range:
A1: 0
A2: 20

2. In column B put the associated value
B1: 9
B2: 8

Now if you put a value in C1 (e.g. 12) use the following
formula in D1:

Gord Dibben

Frank's VLOOKUP will do the trick but......you could automate it further.

If you are up to using some code behind your worksheet this will enter the
marks in Column B as you enter the scores in Column A.

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim rng As Range
Dim vRngInput As Variant
On Error GoTo ws_exit:
Application.EnableEvents = False
Set vRngInput = Intersect(Target, Range("A:A"))
n = Target.Row
If vRngInput Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
For Each rng In vRngInput
'Determine the range
Select Case rng.Value
Case Is < 20: Value = 9
Case 20 To 35: Value = 8
Case 36 To 45: Value = 7
Case 46 To 52: Value = 6
Case 53 To 58: Value = 5
Case 56 To 75: Value = 4
Case 76 To 84: Value = 3
Case 85 To 100: Value = 1
End Select
'Apply the Grade
Excel.Range("B" & n).Value = Value
Next rng
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub

David McRitchie has instructions and info on Event code at his web-site.


Gord Dibben Excel MVP

Dave Peterson

I think I'd move this line:
Application.EnableEvents = False
after this line:
If vRngInput Is Nothing Then Exit Sub

then .enableevents won't be kept turned off if you're outside the range.

And if you could change a bunch of cells at once, I'd make a couple of other

Option Explicit
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim rng As Range
Dim n As Long
Dim vRngInput As Range
Dim myValue As Variant

Set vRngInput = Intersect(Target, Me.Range("A:A"))
If vRngInput Is Nothing Then Exit Sub

On Error GoTo ws_exit:

Application.EnableEvents = False
For Each rng In vRngInput
If IsError(rng.Value) Then
'do nothing
n = rng.Row
'Determine the range
myValue = ""
Select Case rng.Value
Case Is < 20: myValue = 9
Case 20 To 35: myValue = 8
Case 36 To 45: myValue = 7
Case 46 To 52: myValue = 6
Case 53 To 58: myValue = 5
Case 56 To 75: myValue = 4
Case 76 To 84: myValue = 3
Case 85 To 100: myValue = 1
End Select
'Apply the Grade
Me.Range("B" & n).Value = myValue
End If
Next rng
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub

(I don't like to use variables that look like reserved words (Value).

Dana DeLouis

Is there a chance of non-integers? The "Average" function, or something
similar, might return 84.00001


Gord Dibben

Thanks for the alterations Dave.

If I live long enough I may get the hang of it.


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