
I'm working in Excel 2000. I'm using the vector lookup function in my
current worksheet to find a specific item number in column A and the quantity
on order in column C in another worksheet. Everything is working fine except
that if the lookup can't find the item number and quantity I'm looking for,
it returns the highest quantity value it finds. How I do get the lookup to
return a 0 in the cell if the item number and quantity are not listed in the
external worksheet?

In summary, I want excel to tell me that it can't find the infomation that
I'm looking for and return a 0. Thank you for your help.


If you are talking about vlookup which another poster has concluded, then use
his logic but also add the false argument; if it doesn't find an exact match,
it normally returns #n/a but the if(isna part tests for that and returns what
you put for the true part of the if test instead.


Ok, I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. Here is my formula.
=LOOKUP(K10,'C:\Documents and Settings\All Users.HARTMANS\My
Documents\Anna''s Stuff\Breakdown sheet test\Excel Stuff\[Current
Backorders.xls]Backorder Rpt Summary ANNA'!$A:$A,'C:\Documents and
Settings\All Users.HARTMANS\My Documents\Anna''s Stuff\Breakdown sheet
test\Excel Stuff\[Current Backorders.xls]Backorder Rpt Summary

Please let me know how I can change my formula to make it work. When I
enter variations of this formula the cell comes up blank, which is what I
want, but the cells that contain values that are correct are also turning
blank. If you need more information, please let me know.

Thank you for all your help!

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