Looking to select noncontiguous rows with For loop



I have the following code:

For i = 13 To (ZeroRow - 7) Step 8

What I'm trying to do is select ALL rows from 13 to (ZeroRow - 7) THEN
delete them all at once. With the code written the way it is only the very
last row selected will be deleted. How do I get a "hold the control button
and select multiple rows" kind of selection using VBA code?

Rick Rothstein

Your question... the Step 8 part coupled with your statement "select ALL
rows from 13 to (ZeroRow - 7)"... is kind of confusing. However, I would
point out that you do not have to physically select a range in order to
delete it. This statement will delete ALL rows between (and including) 13
through ZeroRow-7...

Range("A13:A" & (ZeroRow - 7)).EntireRow.Delete

Note: Since we are deleting the entire row, it doesn't matter which column
we choose a cell from on that row in order to extend it through to the
entire row, so I used Column A.

Patrick Molloy


works too

Rick Rothstein said:
Your question... the Step 8 part coupled with your statement "select ALL
rows from 13 to (ZeroRow - 7)"... is kind of confusing. However, I would
point out that you do not have to physically select a range in order to
delete it. This statement will delete ALL rows between (and including) 13
through ZeroRow-7...

Range("A13:A" & (ZeroRow - 7)).EntireRow.Delete

Note: Since we are deleting the entire row, it doesn't matter which column
we choose a cell from on that row in order to extend it through to the
entire row, so I used Column A.

Rick Rothstein

Well, to do it all at once like the code line I posted (again, ignoring the
Step 8 increment which I still don't see how it applies), you would need
something like this...

Rows(13).Resize(ZeroRow - 19).Delete

where the 19 would be a combination of the 7 that the OP wanted to subtract
from the ZeroRow value plus one to make the subtraction include the row at
both ends of the interval). I was going to post this solution, but figured
the Range method I presented would be easier to understand and remember in
future situations where it may be needed.


I suppose the way I worded it is a little confusing. What I mean when I say
"ALL" rows is every 8th row starting with row 13 and ending with row (ZeroRow
- 7). I just assumed that seeing "noncontiguous" in the subject line and
seeing "Step 8" in my code one would "assume"... Of course, we all know what
happens when one assumes :) What meant was I wanted to select every 8th row
between 13 and (ZeroRow - 7) and delete them ALL at once. Sorry for the

Rick Rothstein

I don't think you gain anything trying to select all the rows first (Union's
can become slow as the numbers increase); just delete them as you go (but
run the loop backwards). Give this a try (on a copy of your worksheet to be

Sub RemoveRows()
Dim ZeroRow As Long, X As Long
Const Srow As Long = 13 ' Start row
Const Incr As Long = 8 ' Increment amount
With ActiveSheet
ZeroRow = 1000
For X = Srow + Incr * ((ZeroRow - Srow - 6) \ Incr) To Srow Step -8
End With
End Sub

Patrick Molloy

this woild be very fast anyway, but you might add
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
before the loop

Rick Rothstein

Yes, good idea (and, of course, setting it back to True again at the end of
the loop)... seems like when I post at 4:30 in the morning just before going
to sleep, I tend to forget things like this... thanks for catching this.


Thank you both very much for your help. I've posted my code below to show
you what I ended up going with. Works as intented. My code:

Sub DirectorFormat()

Dim TSLastPFRow As Integer 'Tally Sheet
Dim TSPFTotal As Integer 'Tally Sheet PF
Dim ZeroRow As Long, i As Long

With Sheets("Tally Sheet")
.Paste Destination:=Worksheets("DirectorCopy").Range("A1")
End With

With Worksheets("DirectorCopy")
For j = 1 To 64
.Shapes("Done! " & j).Cut
.Cells.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues,
Operation:=xlPasteSpecialOperationNone, _
SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
'Find the last PF
For i = 4 To Rows.Count Step 8
If Cells(i, "A").Value = 0 Then
ZeroRow = i
Exit For
End If
TSLastPFRow = ZeroRow - 9
TSPFTotal = (Val(Replace(Cells(TSLastPFRow, 1).Value, "_PF", "")))
.Rows(ZeroRow & ":515").Delete
For i = (ZeroRow - 7) To 13 Step -8
ActiveWindow.FreezePanes = True
End With
End Sub

BTW, the line

..Rows(ZeroRow & ":515").Delete

seems to hang for some reason. Any idea why deleting rows would do this?
Is there a more effective way to code it?

Patrick Molloy


you might try

..Range(ZeroRow & ":515").Delete

i can't see why it would cause excel to hang -- unless there's a huge bunch
of formulae that will be recalculating as a result?


That did the trick! Thanks.

Patrick Molloy said:

you might try

.Range(ZeroRow & ":515").Delete

i can't see why it would cause excel to hang -- unless there's a huge bunch
of formulae that will be recalculating as a result?

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