Looking forward to 2040

Jan 4, 2003
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I do so hope that I'm still alive in 2040 when all new cars will be electric.

I want to see the chaos and Health & Safety issues when people who don't have a garage or off road parking have cables strewn across the pavements (and maybe half a mile down the road to where the nearest parking space was when they came home).

Also where is all of the extra electricity going to come from as, from what we're told, the power stations and the national grid are already running to full capacity?

Will the yobs of the time be cutting and knicking all of these copper cables, and where is all of the copper needed to make them going to come from? And come to that, where is the lithium needed for the batteries going to come from? And what about the environmental damage that is caused by copper and lithium mining?

What will happen when 100s of people get stuck on the motorway in winter when the (less efficient in cold weather) batteries are unexpectedly flattened by heaters and lights? Will the AA/RAC have electric vehicles too? If so how will they cope with towing 3 ton cars to the nearest (available) chargers?

What happens if the chargers are all in use when you get to where you're going and don't have enough power to get back home? Will there be queues of people pushing their 3 ton battery cars looking for an unoccupied charging space? Will there be 'charging rage' with people fighting in the streets over who's turn it is next?

I do so hope that I'm still alive in 2040 when all new cars will be electric.

Credits to
Peter Levett


Yorkshire Cruncher
Mar 21, 2007
Reaction score
What happens if the chargers are all in use when you get to where you're going and don't have enough power to get back home?

That's when you resort to your diesel powered generator that you have stored in the boot of your car. :p


Sep 30, 2005
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If they had any common sense they would be making lightweight fiber glass cars on aluminium chassis with removable battery packs. Limiting the cars to a maximum of 60/70 miles an hour.

All vehicles would have the same battery packs. Drive into a service station and swap out the battery pack and on your way. All houses by then would have solar panels and you would get two battery packs with every car. One battery pack charging at home whilst you used the other one.

Well that is one possibility. :cool:


Yorkshire Cruncher
Mar 21, 2007
Reaction score
Here's the car for 2040.


No messing about at charging points. (unless it's cloudy) :D

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