Looking for the ErrorProvider a grid uses when bound to IBindingLi




I bind a data adapter (which implements the IBindingList interface)
to a data grid. For the data rows there is also an adapter which
implements the ICustomTypeDescriptor, IEditableObject and IDataErrorInfo

All works fine to bind my custom data types to the grid using my adapters.

Now it comes to validation: my IDataErrorInfo code returns the error message
strings for the columns. If I do that, the data grid automatically shows an
icon in each grid cell where the validation failed.

I did not set or use an error provider object.

My problem: I want to use another icon. So I need the error provider instance
that the grid uses. But what instance does the grid use? Does anyone know
where this error provider instance comes from and how can I access it?



You may have to add an Error Provider control to the Form and use that

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