Looking for help with a sorting macro.



Hello all,

Can anyone help me with a sort routine that goes through a sheet until
the data in column E stops but sorts blocks of data defined by a
'Total' string in Column F and sort by column G.

So to explain another way. Until data finishes in column E, look
between 'Total tags in Column F and sort by column G. I done the best
I can with an ilistration below, opast toa true t

a b c d e f g
1 - - - - a Total 81
2 - - - - b Total 35
3 - - - - c 15
4 - - - - d 10
5 - - - - e 5
6 - - - - f Total 46
7 - - - - g 2
8 - - - - h 18
9 - - - - I 26
10 - - - - J

Any help would be fantasic, I just don't know Excel well enough yet to
do this.


sub SortData()
Dim rng as Range, ar as Range
set rng = Range("F:F").specialCells(xlblanks)
for each ar in rng.Areas
ar.EntireRow.sort Key1:=ar(1).offset(0,1), _
Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlNo
end sub


To help I've mock-up a document at "http://
www.inasentimentalmood.co.uk/Book1.xls" . From here I need to go
through the 'Sections' and sort the data by the Sales Column within
the section. Does anyone have suggestions on how best to approach
this problem, or better still, working code.


Okay, I can use this to select the groups of data but can Excel
recognise the clusters of rows and sort each group in turn?

Set myRg = Range([e10], [e65536].End(xlUp))
Set myRg = myRg.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants).EntireRow.Select

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