Looking for Excel 95



I'm trying to help a friend who has windows 95, we're
looking for an Excel download that would work with that
OS. I haven't found anything at microsoft.com, all I can
find are updates and patches. (Will he need Office 97, or
was Excel included in the standard windows 95 release?).
Ideally a free Excel download would be best, or a 30 day
trial version. Any thoughts for the 95? Thanks.


I'm sorry to say this, but it would be cheaper to upgrade the OS tha
to find a version of Excel that will run on windows 95. Remember
time is $$ as well

Excel was never included with any Windows OS. I mean, we're talkin
Microsoft here - why give something away when you can charge peopl
for it, right

Check out Ebay for a valid, legal and cheap copy of windows 98
chances are he won't have too hard of a time moving up to 98 from 95
and his existing hardware should support it. IMO anyway..

Good luc

Harlan Grove

Abe said:
I'm trying to help a friend who has windows 95, we're
looking for an Excel download that would work with that
OS. I haven't found anything at microsoft.com, all I can
find are updates and patches. (Will he need Office 97, or
was Excel included in the standard windows 95 release?).
Ideally a free Excel download would be best, or a 30 day
trial version. Any thoughts for the 95? Thanks.

A free Excel version?! You are unfamiliar with Microsoft it seems.

There's no free version of Excel.

There's no trial version of Excel.

There's no place anywhere to download Excel *legally*.

The only way to get Excel legally is to buy it. There may be some copies of
Excel 97 or Excel 2000 available on eBay or similar sites. They'd be cheap,
and both Excel 97 and Excel 2000 run OK under Windows 95 as long as you or
your friend has 64MB RAM or more (more is very unlikely on Windows 95

On the other hand, if your friend just needs a spreadsheet, there are many
shareware and freeware spreadsheets still available that work reasonably
well and can be downloaded. See


Gord Dibben

Excel and Office 97 will run quite well on Windows 95.

Used that combo for several years.

Suggest you check out Ebay and other places(using a 'net search) for Office

Make sure you get a licence with the software if buying off the 'net.

You cannot download Excel for free from anywhere.

Gord Dibben Excel MVP

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