Looking for a quicker way to fill a datagrid???



Here is my code:

Dim availMach As New ASPNETProduct.machinedb()

Dim dstMachList As DataSet

dstMachList = availMach.GetAvailMach(theSearchVal, theSearchBy,
theMachCode1, theSearchView, SelSort, SelSortDir)

availMachList.DataSource = dstMachList

Public Function GetAvailMach(ByVal theSearchVal As String, ByVal theSearchBy
As String, ByVal MACH_CODE1 As String, ByVal theSearchView As String, ByVal
SelSort As String, ByVal SelSortDir As String) As DataSet

' Create Instance of Connection and Command Object

Dim myConnection As New

Dim myCommand As New SqlDataAdapter("SelectOpenInventory", myConnection)

' Mark the Command as a SPROC

myCommand.SelectCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure

' Add Parameters to SPROC

Dim parametertheSearchVal As New SqlParameter("@theSearchVal",
SqlDbType.NVarChar, 100)

parametertheSearchVal.Value = theSearchVal


Dim parametertheSearchBy As New SqlParameter("@theSearchBy",
SqlDbType.NVarChar, 100)

parametertheSearchBy.Value = theSearchBy


Dim parameterMACH_CODE1 As New SqlParameter("@MACH_CODE",
SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50)

parameterMACH_CODE1.Value = MACH_CODE1


Dim parametertheSearchView As New SqlParameter("@theSearchView",
SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50)

parametertheSearchView.Value = theSearchView


Dim parameterSelSort As New SqlParameter("@SelSort", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50)

parameterSelSort.Value = SelSort


Dim parameterSelSortDir As New SqlParameter("@SelSortDir",
SqlDbType.NVarChar, 10)

parameterSelSortDir.Value = SelSortDir


' Create and Fill the DataSet

Dim myDataSet As New DataSet


' Return the datareader

Return myDataSet

End Function

Alvin Bruney

if fill is not fast enough for you, use a datareader to loop thru. remember
the reader is a fire hose cursor and you have to explicitly close it when
done or else it is considered blocked.

John Saunders

How much faster would a DataReader be? Doesn't Fill use a DataReader to fill
the DataSet?

Alvin Bruney

underneath it does but there is a lot of extra overhead because the results
have to be packaged and stuffed into a dataset. the performance difference
is night and day.

John Saunders

Interesting. I'll have to do some performance tests on that some day. I had
thought that, absent DataRelations, they'd just loop through the DataReader,

DataSet ds = something();
DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];
DataReader reader = somethingElse();

while (reader.Read())
DataRow dr = dt.NewRow();
dr.ItemArray = reader.GetValues();

Oh, well, one more mystery...

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