Look up worksheet



Hi all: I have a workbook with 75 worksheets. I have one set up for each
truck in our fleet. I use it to record details and conversations with
the drivers. I have a script that someone on here sent me that date and
time stamps each new entry. What I would like to do is have a main page
with a cell that I would input the truck number which would in turn "go
to" the proper work sheet for that truck. I can edit the worksheet name
as the truck #, and go to it by clicking the tab, but this means a lot
of scrolling to get to the appropriate worksheet. I now have a main
page set up with 75 macro buttons with a "go to" macro to each sheet
but it requires a lot of maintenance as trucks come and go and the
numbers change on a frequent basis. Is there a way that I can have an
input cell where I can input the truck # and go directly to the proper

Thanks Kevin

Rowan Drummond

Hi Kevin

One way is to use a change event on your main sheet eg:

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Count = 1 And Target.Address = "$A$1" Then
On Error Resume Next
On Error GoTo 0
End If
End Sub

Every time you change the value of cell A1 (change this as required) the
appropriate sheet will be activated.

This is worksheet event code. Right click the sheet tab, select View
Code and paste the code in there.

Hope this helps

Norman Jones

Hi Kevint,

Copy the following macro and function into a standard module in your

Sub SheetFinder()
Dim strInput As String

strInput = InputBox("Enter Truck #")

If StrPtr(strInput) = 0 Then
MsgBox "You pressed Cancel"
If Len(strInput) = 0 Then
MsgBox "OK was pressed but no entry was made."
If WorksheetExists(strInput) Then
MsgBox "Sheet " & strInput & " not found!"
End If
End If
End If
End Sub


Function WorksheetExists(SheetName As Variant, _
Optional WhichBook As Workbook) As Boolean
'from Chip Pearson
Dim WB As Workbook
Set WB = IIf(WhichBook Is Nothing, ThisWorkbook, WhichBook)
On Error Resume Next
WorksheetExists = CBool(Len(WB.Worksheets(SheetName).Name) > 0)
End Function

Views | Toolbars | Customize
Select Commands tab
Select 'Macros' in the 'Categories' listbox
From the right-hand 'Commands' box, drag the smiley button and drop it onto
a toolbar
Right-Click the new toolbar button | 'Assign Macro'
Select or type 'SheetFinder'
Ok | Close

You can now navigate to and from any sheet by clicking the toolbar button.


An interesting sub, thanks. Is it possible to have something like a
"droplist of sheetnames" appear on screen for selection instead when Smiley
is clicked ? Currently, I have to enter the sheetname in the inputbox.
Perhaps functionally something equiv. to a floating TOC, I guess. Thanks.

Norman Jones

Hi Max,


Sub ShowSheetList()
'Jim Rech
On Error Resume Next
If ActiveWorkbook.Sheets.Count <= 16 Then
Application.CommandBars("Workbook Tabs"). _
ShowPopup 500, 225
Application.CommandBars("Workbook Tabs"). _
Controls("More Sheets...").Execute
End If
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub


Norman Jones

Hi Max,

For a different approach, using a dialog sheet, see the following which was
posted by Bob Phillips:

Sub BrowseSheets()
'Bob Phillips
Const nPerColumn As Long = 38 '# of items/column
Const nWidth As Long = 13 'width of each letter
Const nHeight As Long = 18 'height of each row
Const sID As String = "___SheetGoto" 'name of dialog sheet
Const kCaption As String = " Select sheet to goto"
'dialog caption
Dim cLeft As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim TopPos As Long
Dim iBooks As Long
Dim cCols As Long
Dim cLetters As Long
Dim cMaxLetters As Long
Dim iLeft As Long
Dim thisDlg As DialogSheet
Dim CurrentSheet As Worksheet
Dim cb As OptionButton

Application.ScreenUpdating = False

If ActiveWorkbook.ProtectStructure Then
MsgBox "Workbook is protected.", vbCritical
Exit Sub
End If

On Error Resume Next
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
On Error GoTo 0
Set CurrentSheet = ActiveSheet
Set thisDlg = ActiveWorkbook.DialogSheets.Add

With thisDlg

.Name = sID
.Visible = xlSheetHidden

'sets variables for positioning on dialog
iBooks = 0
cCols = 0
cMaxLetters = 0
cLeft = 78
TopPos = 40

For i = 1 To ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets.Count

If i Mod nPerColumn = 1 Then
cCols = cCols + 1
TopPos = 40
cLeft = cLeft + (cMaxLetters * nWidth)
cMaxLetters = 0
End If

Set CurrentSheet = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(i)
cLetters = Len(CurrentSheet.Name)
If cLetters > cMaxLetters Then
cMaxLetters = cLetters
End If

iBooks = iBooks + 1
.OptionButtons.Add cLeft, TopPos, _
cLetters * nWidth, 16.5
.OptionButtons(iBooks).Text = _
TopPos = TopPos + 13

Next i

.Buttons.Left = cLeft + (cMaxLetters * nWidth) + 24


With .DialogFrame
.Height = Application.Max(68, _
Application.Min(iBooks, nPerColumn) _
* nHeight + 10)
.Width = cLeft + (cMaxLetters * nWidth) + 24
.Caption = kCaption
End With

.Buttons("Button 2").BringToFront
.Buttons("Button 3").BringToFront

Application.ScreenUpdating = True
If .Show Then
For Each cb In thisDlg.OptionButtons
If cb.Value = xlOn Then
Exit For
End If
Next cb
MsgBox "Nothing selected"
End If

Application.DisplayAlerts = False

End With

End Sub


Thanks, Norman !

Bob's BrowseSheets sub runs marvellous, too.

But I did notice that the selection dialog: Select sheet to goto
seems a shade too large ("oversized" - nearly fills the entire screen <g>)
whenever there's a lot of sheets

Is there a way that the dialog could be sized just "right" ?


Is there a way that the dialog could be sized just "right" ?

A further clarification/request:
The selection buttons/sheetnames appear listed down in one "column" on the
dialog. If there's lots of sheets involved, the dialog would extend
below/beyond the screenview. Could this be refined to either have the
selections auto-wrapped into multiple cols (if necess) so that all
selections stay within screenview, or something to that effect ? Thanks.

Norman Jones

Hi Max,
Bob's BrowseSheets sub runs marvellous, too.

Is there a way that the dialog could be sized just "right" ?

If you care to wait about 4 hours, Bob will doubtless respond in person.

At least in the interim, does Jim's procdedure not satify your needs?


Thanks Norman. No problem. I'll hang around for further insights ..
I'm spoilt for choice, and I want it all (if it's possible) <g>

Bob Phillips

Hi Max,

I am not quite sure what you mean by sizing just right, could you clarify?

As to the second point, it already caters for that. If you look in the code,
there is a constant named nPerColumn which is defaulted at 38. This can be
changed to force a multi-column display.




Thanks for the clarifications, Bob !
(In my haste to play, I din't look closely in the code earlier, sorry)
.. by sizing just right ..
... within one screen view, that is. Some of my earlier obs
were that the dialog seems to fill the entire screen

I've since played around with the settings a bit,
and think it's ok now. Cheers.


Bob Phillips


I set those up as constants that could be adjusted as I struggled to come up
with a method that would be consistent across various monitors, various


Norman Jones

Hi Max,
If you care to wait about 4 hours, Bob will doubtless respond in person.

Re-reading my response, I realise that my comment is open to another,
malevolent, and totally unintended interpretation.

I an sure that you will have appreciated that the comment related to time
zones and I hope that Bob, who is one of the most assiduous contributors to
this NG, understood that my comment was entirely innocent in intention.


Norman Jones said:
Hi Max,
Bob's BrowseSheets sub runs marvellous, too.

Is there a way that the dialog could be sized just "right" ?

If you care to wait about 4 hours, Bob will doubtless respond in person.

At least in the interim, does Jim's procdedure not satify your needs?


Not at all, Norman ! Certainly none of that sort of interp over here,
and I believe that position holds true for Bob as well.
.. Bob, who is one of the most assiduous contributors to this NG
Of course, I/we know that <bg> Cheers.

Bob Phillips

Lighten up Norman, no-one in their right minds would have read it as that
<evbg>. As it happens, I wouldn't have picked up in this thread as it
started two days ago and I wasn't tracking it. I only picked up as Max
flagged it elsewhere.

BTW, I thought you were in St Albans, seeing your posting times makes me
think that I am way
off-track, or you are an insomniac.



Norman Jones said:
Hi Max,

Re-reading my response, I realise that my comment is open to another,
malevolent, and totally unintended interpretation.

I an sure that you will have appreciated that the comment related to time
zones and I hope that Bob, who is one of the most assiduous contributors to
this NG, understood that my comment was entirely innocent in intention.

Norman Jones

Hi Bob,
Lighten up Norman, no-one in their right minds would have read it
as that

It was the others that I was worried about!!
BTW, I thought you were in St Albans

You were right, that is my home city.
seeing your posting times makes me think that I am way
off-track, or you are an insomniac.

No, just recent pressure of work!

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