Look Up challenge



I hope that the picture will be displayed or you could click on the link and
open it up.
This is my challenge: I got this spreadsheet where I keep track of employees
who are been on the events.
I want to create a separate “lookup†spreadsheet where I will have a drop
down list of event names (1).
Once I select the event from dropdown list, I would like to display a list
of attendees (3) who been on that event (2), marked by “Xâ€
I think this is calling for multicell array formula.

Thank you for the help,
And I hope that you will be able to open my challenge illustration



Try looking data validation and lookup functions in the Help

Hope this is helpful

Pls click the Yes button below if this post provide answer you have asked

Thank You

cheers, francis

Am not a greek but an ordinary user trying to assist another


Here's one non-array construct which should deliver the desired functionalities

Assume the source data as posted is in a sheet named: x
where the "events" listing is in F5 across (your area #1)
names are listed in D13 down (area #3)
with corresponding markings "x" in cols F across (area #3)

In another sheet,
Assume B1 contains a DV to select the events (area #1)
Put in A2:
Leave A1 empty

Put in B2:
Copy A2:B2 down to say, B100, to cover the expected extent of source data.
Minimize/hide col A. B2 down will return the required results dependant on
the selection made in B1, ie the list of names marked with an "x" for the
particular event selected in B1. All results returned will be neatly bunched
at the top.

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