Long TOC and Hyperlinks?



Hi - I have a TOC that is 12 pages long. I tried to put book marks throughout the TOC and then hyperlinks to them above the TOC so I could manage it better, but when I updated the TOC they dissappeared. Is there anyway to make them stay ?


An autogenerated TOC is a single field. It just looks as if it's lots of lines of code. Put your TOC in a separate section (section breaks) of the document and put the link back to the top in a footer.

Charles Kenyon

An automatic TOC is just a field. If you update it, you lose anything you
have added. Try using GoTo Ctrl-G or F5 to go to a specific page.

Charles Kenyon

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Stephen said:
Hi - I have a TOC that is 12 pages long. I tried to put book marks
throughout the TOC and then hyperlinks to them above the TOC so I could
manage it better, but when I updated the TOC they dissappeared. Is there
anyway to make them stay ?


Hi - How can I put breaks in the TOC ? it won't let me when I update they disaapear. I realize it is one long field. Is there any way to make it span several fields?


Nope, no way to do that. You have to deal with the automatic page breaks. You have access to headers and footers for the TOC pages and you can control margins but you can't force it to break where you want it to. If what you're trying to do is to put in a "go to top" link, you'll just have to stick that in the header or footer.

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