Logon locally unavailable


George Hester

In a Windows XP SP2 Domain client I want to add a local user. I did that.
I tried to log into Windows XP SP2 with this new local account and received
this message:

The local policy of this system does not permit you to logon interactively.

I've never had trouble making a new local user account with Windows 2000 but
it seems this is a little motre involved in Windows XP SP2. How do I fix

I thought to add the new account to the Local Security | Log on locally but
logon locally is unavailable to add any users. How do I fix this?

George Hester

All done. Turns out I had set the Doamin Security Policy in these three
places. Interesting because I don't believe tyhe issue was true in the
Windows 2000 clients but it was working correctly in Windows XP. I removed
the policies in the Domain Security and then went to the command prompt in
Windows XP and entered gpupdate to force a refresh of the Group Policy. So
that is solved and now I'[ll try to fix the issue with a local user being
denied access. There is a Knowledge base article I found on it:


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