>LOGON and ACCOUNT Issues<



I'm in front of an XP Pro that logs you on in the manner of Win2k. There is
no >list< of users on the right side of the screen to click on. There's only
the window in the center of the screen to type your user name in. Once logged
into an account, there is no >personal picture< at the top of the start menu.
Many of the account options that I normally see on the average XP Pro, I
don't see here.
It's like it's set up for office use instead of personal home use.
Does anyone out there know what's going on with this XP and is there a way
to convert it to the user-friendly features that's most common on home XP
THANX N ADVANCE. The Rookie/Wayne B.


in control panel under the users accounts option. this is a link that says
"change the way users log in/off" if you click on it you will see a few
options. make sure the top box is checked. that shoudl be the "use welcome"
screen option.



THANX Iceman! I've been in users accounts options too many times to count...
InCluDiNg tOdAy and have never noticed that link. Seen it, BUT never Noticed
It! Appreciate it. Wayne B.

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